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Newfield National Bank Contactless Debit Cards


Here's How it works


Debit Card

Look at your Card
This indicator on your card means you can tap to pay anywhere you see the Contactless Symbol.



Debit Card 1


Look at the terminal Look for the Contactless Symbol at contactless-enabled merchant terminals, transit turnstiles, and for debit card use at  Newfield National Bank ATMs.




Debit Card 2


Tap your card
Tap or hold your contactless card near the Contactless Symbol on the checkout terminal.

You may be asked to enter your Personal Identification Number (PIN) or sign for debit card transactions. If a contactless terminal isn’t available, just insert or swipe your card.


Features and benefits


Whether you tap, insert, or use the magnetic stripe for your transactions, your card comes with 24/7 fraud monitoring.

Simple to use

Just tap your card where you see the Contactless Symbol—it's even easier than swiping or inserting your card.

At a Newfield National Bank  ATM, you can use your contactless debit card and then enter your PIN to get cash, view account balance, and more.

Flexible everyday

Tap your card to help speed up your checkout at fast food restaurants, pharmacies, grocery stores, and more. Plus, use your contactless card at participating transit systems nationwide.

Ready to go contactless? Apply for a Newfield National Bank contactless debit card today. Already a Newfield National Bank  cardholder? Contact us to request a contactless card.


Contactless debit cards

Now you can speed through checkout  by tapping your Newfield National Bank  debit card near the Contactless Symbol on the merchant terminal.

Contactless technology is provided to new and existing Newfield National Bank debit card customers with the following card types:

  • Consumer debit cards
  • Business debit cards

Getting a debit card with the added contactless feature is easy:

  • Existing customers will receive a contactless chip card when they request a replacement card, or their card is reissued.  
  • You can request a contactless debit card by visiting your local  Newfield National Bank branch.