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Online Bill Pay

What is Online Bill Pay?
Online Bill Pay is the simple and secure way to pay all your bills. It is the most effective way to take control of your time and money. With Online Bill Pay we're always open. You can pay your bills whenever and wherever you want. All you need is a computer with Internet access. Once you sign up, you will be able to perform the following functions:

  • Pay bills online with a click of the mouse
  • Pay virtually anyone
  • Schedule single or recurring payments
  • View detailed payment history
  • And much more!

NOTE: With our bill pay product you will be able to pay anyone with the exception of Government Entities (such as IRS).

What do I need to use Bill Pay?
You only need a computer with Internet access and a secure web browser on it, such as current versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer or Google Chrome.

How much does Online Bill Pay cost?
Online Bill Pay is FREE for Newfield National Bank customers.

How do I sign up for Online Bill Pay?
To enroll in Online Bill Pay, simply click on the Sign Up link and enter all of the requested information. This will enroll you in Internet Banking, once in Internet Banking select the Money Movement tab at the top of the page, select Bill Pay, click "Yes, Enroll me", accept the disclosure and your account will be activated.